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It is important to understand that tutors have never been a guarantee in the history of the psychology department. We have tutors during some semesters but not during all semesters.
It is almost always true that the videos provide all the information that students need to complete assignments.
It is expected that there will be questions and we will be happy to answer them.
Please note, however, that all tutoring is based on the idea that students have tried to figure things out before they seek help. Our tutors have been instructed to ask students what they have tried before they help students. This is absolutely necessary because it is well known that some students try to get tutors to do their work for them, which defeats the purpose of having a stats lab and it is unfair to students who do their own work.
That means that requests for help should be phrased so that we know specifically what the issue is and what you have tried to do. We expect students to say something like, "I have successfully made it through the 5 minute and 20-second mark of the video called Summation in Excel, but my column does not sum to zero, as specified in the video". Of course, it will also be necessary to send a copy of your work. That would either be an Excel file or an R script file. Our response will usually be an attempt to give direction but not the answer. For example, we might say that the answer to your question is at the 6 minute and 20-second mark in a particular video. We also might say that your answer is in the instructions. During individual meetings with students, we frequently watch videos with students and answer questions as they arise. We always try to help students learn but we will not give away answers. That defeats the purpose of taking a statistics lab. We will have tutors this semester. Their contact information is Lindsey Carl at and Matthew Lawton at
A note about tutors and scheduling:
Please keep in mind that the tutors are also students. They are not available 24/7, and are not available on weekends. Please plan your tutoring questions and appointments accordingly. It is perfectly fine to send an email with your questions when you have the time to do so, just be aware that you may not get a response until the next time the tutor is working.
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