PSYC 3435 Statistics and Methods I Lab
for PSYC: 3435 01, 991/9U1, 992/9U2, 993,9U3
Spring 2025
​Manager and lead tutor: Lindsey Carl (
The preferred mode of communication Through each tutor’s respective email: See below
Department Office Location Stabler Hall 602
Office Phone 501.916.3171
Meeting Times with tutors Virtual: Schedule here or through the Wix lab website
Required materials There is not a textbook specifically for the 1-hour statistics
lab, but your primary instructor does require a textbook (see the syllabus for your section of PSYC 3435). Some of the assignments will pertain to information in the PSYC 3435 textbook
Prerequisite MATH 1302, 1305, 1321 with C or better
Lab website:
Important A "C" or better is required in both this lab and the course to pass this class. This course is a requirement for a BA in Psychology
Statistics lab content and purpose
This one-hour statistics lab is designed to supplement your statistics course. The goal is to give students experience working with data, using statistical software (either R or Excel). We will primarily perform tasks that are covered in chapters 1-10 in the textbook, but there will be a few instances in which the instructions will make points that are covered in later chapters of the textbook.
Specific Learning Objectives
​Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
Use R or Excel to obtain descriptive statistics of variables.
Use R or Excel to produce univariate graphic displays of variables.
Use R or Excel to produce bivariate graphic displays of relationships between two variables.
Use R or Excel to create new variables.
Use R or Excel to collapse variables.
Use R or Excel to transform variables.
Use R or Excel to work with subsets of variables.
Use R or Excel to find areas under the curve of the normal distribution (these exercises cover probability and null hypothesis testing).
Use R or Excel to produce confidence intervals.
Use R or Excel to conduct simple analyses (e.g. correlations and bivariate regression).
Use R or Excel to solve simple probability questions
Method of Instruction​
Method of instruction will be video lectures on Wix. Please read all documents and study all videos. It is a good idea to follow the videos and practice what is being demonstrated on the video.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with the class schedule and check UA-Little Rock emails regularly.
The lab has two tutors:
Lindsey Carl (also the Lab Manager):
Matthew Lawton:
The Wix website has their available schedules and allows you to schedule appointments.
We will also be training a new tutor this semester, and more announcements on this will follow. Tutoring sessions may be recorded for the purpose of training, and these recordings can be made available to the student.
Note: Please do not wait until the last minute to schedule a time with a tutor or to get your questions answered. There may not be available appointments, and you may need more time after the appointment to implement the answer.
Appointments with tutors are held through Google Meet: Be sure to log in using your @ualr email. If you have to ask to be admitted to the session, then you need to leave the meeting, log out of your personal gmail, and rejoin the meeting (if there is still time.)
Please be on time. Tutors will wait only 10 minutes in a Google Meet session.
Emailing your tutors
Always include all necessary information in your communications to make the process most efficient. Short (text-style) communications may result in multiple emails until the question or problem is clarified – a waste of the tutor’s and your time.
​If you do not already know how to take screen shots, please learn how to. It helps to see screenshots of issues or questions that you try to communicate to us. For example, send us a screenshot of the errors you receive from Wix, R, or Excel.
In order to take an online course, you must have access to a compatible computer with a reliable internet connection. You will also need to learn how to use the tools used in this lab (e.g., Google Meet, Excel and R).
Note: It has come to our attention that several students try to take online classes entirely with their cell phones. Although it is possible to view some of the class material on a cell phone, this course is designed for an up-to-date desktop or laptop computer. Students who have tried using a cell phone have reported difficulties viewing videos and reading documents produced with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Setting up an account in Wix
Detailed instructions for this process can be found under Getting Started tab in the Wix lab website.
​It is very important to use your UALR email to create your user account in Wix. If you do not sign up with your UA Little Rock email account, you may not receive important messages and you will not be able to access the assignments on the Wix site.
After you sign up to be a member of the Wix site, the Lab Manager will receive an email that you have requested to be a member. The Lab Manager will verify your enrollment in PSYC 3435 and then grant you membership. After your request is granted, you will be able to see the lab assignments. Be sure to log in when you visit the site. The login icon is at the top right-hand corner of the Wix homepage.
Important information about grading
To pass the course (earn the 4 credits associated with PSYC 3435 and satisfy the requirement) you must pass both the lab and the lecture part of the course. The grade you earn with your instructor (the lecture) will provide 75% of your final grade, and your lab grade will count for 25% of your final grade.
If you fail the lab or the lecture part of the class, your primary instructor will assign either a D or F for your final grade. This will depend on how well you did in the lecture part.
To be clear, even if you make an A in the lecture part of PSYC 3435, you will fail the overall course (PSYC 3435) if you make a D or F in the lab.
Feedback on assignments and grades
Feedback and assignment grades will be communicated to students @ualr email. The course instructor will also post it on Blackboard.
Calculating your grade
There are 8 assignments and they are worth 10 points each. Your grade in the lab may be calculated by dividing the number of points that you earn by the total number of points possible. For example, if you earn 70 points out of 80 possible points, your grade will be 87.5% (i.e. B). Ninety to 100% is an A, 80 to 89% is a B, 70 to 79% is a C, 60 to 69% is a D and less than 60% is an F.
Make-up Policy
Deadlines are not flexible. Students are expected to work on all assignments well before the due date. Students should never wait until the last couple of days to work on assignments in this lab because failure to turn in an assignment will result in a score of zero on that assignment.
Scheduling and assignment delivery
It is advisable to work ahead as much as possible and start assignments as soon as possible. All assignments are available from the first day of class. Please do not start assignments on the day that they are due. Imagine that each assignment is due a week before the actual due date, because there will not be an opportunity to turn in late assignments.
Tips for Success:
Do not wait until the last minute to work on assignments.
You must always complete your own assignments.
The tutors will not do the work or tell students how to complete the assignment. When you ask for help, you will need to send your work to the tutor and ask detailed questions. (Saying “I do not know how to do the assignment” is not specific enough.)
The videos were carefully developed to guide students through the assignment. It may take more than one viewing to master the help they provide.
If it is determined that a student did not complete his/her own assignment, the tutor or instructor will file a complaint with Dean of Students, and the student will receive a score of zero on the assignment.
We recommend students have backup copies of the assignments as they work on them. Backups should be refreshed regularly. Be careful not to change the file name along the way, as you may end up with several versions and be uncertain which is the most recent or accurate one.
General Policies
Attendance and withdrawal
Please note that, if a student decides to drop this class, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the class. Failure to drop the class will result in a zero on all tests that are not taken. Students may be administratively removed from the class by the instructor, due to excessive absences. See the university policy on attendance and withdrawal here.
Inclement Weather Policy
The university's policy can be found here. Because lab-related work is online, campus closings, etc., will not impact deadlines.
UALR adheres to a policy that enables all individuals, regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability, to work and study in an environment unfettered by discriminatory behavior or acts. Harassment of an individual or group will not be condoned and any person--student, faculty, or staff member--who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability, or if you simply want to discuss resources that might help you learn more effectively, you can contact the Disability Resource Center at any time. You are welcome to drop in or call 501-916-3143 to make an appointment. Their staff will work with you to discuss accommodations and identify resources on campus or in the community that might be helpful for you. Accommodations are established through an interactive process. For more information, visit the DRC website or review the steps to request accommodations. We want you to know you are valued, welcome, and wanted at UA Little Rock.
Academic Integrity
College and university regulations regarding academic dishonesty, as set forth in the UALR student handbook and other University documents and publications, will be strictly enforced in this class. Any student caught in the act of cheating (to include plagiarizing and self-plagiarizing) may be assigned a grade of zero points for the assignment in question. Repeated instances of cheating may result in a grade of "F" in the lab. University policies can be found here and here.
Using any Generative Artificial Intelligence tools (for example, but not limited to, Chat GPT or Bard) is strictly forbidden in all or any lab assignments. The Lab Manager and tutors reserve the right to require a virtual meeting (with an active camera), which may be recorded, and ask questions about the assignment. Failure to meet with the instructor at the assigned time will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Students who inaccurately or inadequately answer the instructor's questions may be reported to the Dean of Students as well as receiving a failing grade in the lab.
Communication Policy
We respond to emails within 24 hrs. Emails sent Friday after 5 p.m. will be answered on Monday by 5 p.m. If there is an emergency, please call the department office: 501.916.3171 or email If you would like to meet or talk, we will be happy to schedulean appointment at a mutually convenient time.
Academic Etiquette
Academic etiquette and netiquette, simply defined, are the manner in which one behaves in an online environment. Just as social norms exist in other places, there is a culture and correlating set of standards for online interactions. As this is an ever-changing environment, these expectations also change and grow accordingly. The following guidelines are recommended in an effort to achieve effective communication in a positive distance learning environment.
Refrain from using inappropriate and/or offensive language. Be respectful of the other students and instructors when participating in a discussion environment. Civil discourse is vital, whether addressing a peer or the instructor. If a misstep occurs -- apologize. Breaches of civil discourse may result in the student being reported to the Dean of Students and other university consequences.
When emailing, address the individual(s) from whom you seek a response. The instructor will not respond to an email addressed to a large group.
Finally, remember this is an academic endeavor at the university level (e.g., avoid chat/IM lingo, think critically, cite sources, and proof your postings).
Date Day1 Assignment #
January 31 Friday #1
February 14 Friday #2
February 28 Friday #3
March 14 Friday #4
March 28 Friday #5
April 11 Friday #6
April 25 Friday #7
May 5 Monday #8
All assignments are due at 4 p.m.